Weekly Photo Challenge: Harmony


Diese Galerie enthält 1 Foto.

This week, I share the theme „Harmony“ for the weekly photo challenge of The Daily Post. In silk painting I feel great harmony. Diese Woche lautet das Thema: Harmonie   In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: Harmony weiterlesen Weekly Photo Challenge: Harmony

Weekly Photo Challenge: State of Mind

This week, I share the theme „State of Mind“ for the weekly photo challenge of The Daily Post. Diese Woche lautet das Thema: State of Mind.   In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: State of Mind  

Weekly Photo Challenge: Street Art TRIO

This week, I share the theme „Trio“ for the weekly photo challenge of The Daily Post. Here you can see street artists at the Moenkebergstrasse in Hamburg Diese Woche lautet das Thema: Trio. Hier seht ihr Künstler an der Mönkebergstraße weiterlesen Weekly Photo Challenge: Street Art TRIO

Weekly Photo Challenge: Roy G. Biv

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: „Roy G. Biv.“ Alle sieben Farben des Regenbogens -Roy G. Biv bedeutet red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (rot, orange, gelb, grün, blau, Indigo, Violet)